
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

User identification data

Latest Update: 2022-08-02

User identification data represents the username, email address, nickname, first name, last name and password. This datas are used by you when connecting to your account and some of the datas are displayed on your account page.

The username is required to represent the url of your account and it is automatically generated when the account is created as "profile-" and a random unique number. The username can be modified later as you wish. It is recommended that the username is not long and does not contain special characters.

The email address is used to create the account but can also be modified later as you wish. The email address is used to get emails about your activity, newsletter or notifications. The email address can be used to log in to your account, together with the password.

The nickname represents the name chosen by the user to be represented on the site, when publishing scenes, comments, likes or sharing scenes. The username can be used as an identifier when logging into the platform, together with the password.
It is recommended that the nickname is not long and does not contain special characters.

First and last name are required as personal datas and they are used when purchase AIQ services.

The new password fields are used to change your password. It is recommended that the password to be longer than 6 characters and contain numbers and letters

* Account Options form, User identification section


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