
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Setting the shadows

Shadow Position
Latest Update: 2022-07-13
The position of the shadow can be set only for the entire scene, vertically or horizontally. The shadow does not automatically position itself depending on the position of the lights, for greater flexibility in illuminating 3D objects.
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Shadow Size
Latest Update: 2022-09-20
This value is a characteristic of the shadow map technique and represents the area for which the shadow is calculated. This value is represented in cm and must be as close as possible to the total size of the objects in the scene
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Shadow Bias
Latest Update: 2022-09-23
This value represents the offset of the shadow position along the Z-axis. This offset prevents self-shadow artifacts. An offset of 0.005 is the default value.
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Shadow intensity
Latest Update: 2022-09-26
The intensity of the shadow represents how much geometries are darkened by casting shadows. This value can also be set for each geometry in the geometry properties panel
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Shadow blur
Latest Update: 2022-09-26
This value softens the shadows edges and make it look more natural and also hide the shadow artefacts (edge texels). Shadow blur can also be set for each geometry in the geometry properties panel.
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