
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Roughness/Metalness/AO Texture

Latest Update: 2022-08-13

Using RGB information from the image, three different textures can be stored.

The red channel represents ambient oclusion, the green channel represents roughness, and the blue channel represents metalness.

Ambient Oclusion Map

It uses ses black and white information to darken areas of geometry that are not exposed to ambient light. This map is usually generated by a 3D software that calculates the light bounsing between geometries. This information must be stored in the red channel of the image.

Roughness Map

Black and white datas are used to determine how rough a surface is. The lighter areas of the image show the roughness of the surface in those areas. Roughness maps can be made in an image processing software, using the UV layout as a reference, and storing the information in the green channel.

Metallic map

It uses black and white information to determine how metallic a surface is. The lighter areas of the image, the more metallic the surface in that area. Metalness maps can be made in an image processing software, using the UV layout as a reference and storing the information in the blue channel of the image.

The Rough/Metal/AO texture can be repeated along the U or V axis of the UV layout from two input fields bellow the texture preview.

* Try to change the AO/Met/Rough texture

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