
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Materials List

Latest Update: 2022-08-12

In the geometry properties window there is a list with all materials from the current scene. Here you can add new materials, filter in the existing materials, apply a material to selected geometry or delete materials.

To create a material you have to press "Add new material" button and a new material with default properties is added to the list. This will not be assign to anny geometry.

You have also a button to clear all unused materials from the scene. This will optimise the scene to load faster.

Each material in the list have a preview, a name, and options.

Clicking on the preview and the name, the material properties will appear on the right.

When a geometry is selected, checkboxes will appear for each material to apply one of the material to selected geometry.

Next is a green round button for duplicating a material along with all its settings and textures.

On the right of each material in the list there is the delete button witch will remove the material along with all its textures

* Add, select or delete material for selected geometry

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