
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Import GLTF files

Latest Update: 2022-07-15

This is a more complex format than obj and allows data storage for the entire 3D scene (geometries, materials, animations, ensembles, camera and any scene setting). Currently the Aiq3D application allows the import of GLTF embed files that do not have external links to other files.

Like OBJ files, GLTF is imported from the menu by drag-and-drop into the browser in the editing player.

Given that the geometries and materials will be rendered in real time in online environment, they must be optimized to be available on multiple types of devices. The number of faces for geometries must be as small as possible and the textures must be in jpg, png or gif format. The textures must be square and power of two, but no larger than 4096x 4096px.

Although multiple GLTF files may be important at the same time, it is not recommended because overwritten settings and data may occur.

After validation of the imported GLTF file, the geometries and materials will be rendered instantly and all compatible settings will be available. The position of the camera will have to be adjusted so that the geometries fit correctly in the frame. In the case of geometries with large dimensions, we recommend scaling them.

* Try to upload or drag and drop an embeded .GLTF file

Download a demo .GLTF file



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