
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Export 3D content as GLTF File

Latest Update: 2022-09-27

The scene's content can be exported from the top edit menu as a GLTF file. This file is an efficient transmission format of 3D scenes with all their properties and settings. The scene is exported according to GLTF specifications and use extra properties for settings which are used only by the AIQ3D application.

All the scene data is exported in one single embedded GLTF file.

Before exporting, you have to select which data you want to export.

First select the geometry structure that you want to export, from the hierarchically tree. If nothing is selected, all the geometries will be exported.

Next, select what data to include in the GLTF file:

- Export Scene Properties (scene, camera and shadow settings)
- Export Selected Geometries (selected geometry hierarchical structure)
- Export Materials (materials settings and textures)
- Export Assemblies (assemblies list - name and order)
- Export Animations (animations list and key frames for selected geometries)

Pressing export GLTF button, a file will be generated and downloaded. The download location depends on the internet browser settings. You will be asked by the browser where the file to be downloaded, or the file will be automatically downloaded in the default download folder.

* Export GLTF file

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