
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Editing Materials

Edit Meshes Window
Latest Update: 2022-08-10
Edit Geometries window can be accessed from Edit Meshes option in the top menu, or by double-clicking on a selected geometry in the viewport. Both methods will open the mesh editing window.
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Material Name
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
The material name must be plain text without special characters. It can be modified and will not affect the way the elements in the scene relate to this material. It is recommended that the name of the material not be too long.
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Environment maps
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
The scene lighting is image based, this means that material specularity and reflections and are cast from a spherical environment map. Environment maps are black and white images to better suit various situations and to not affect the material's specularity color.
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Color Texture
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
The color texture is an image that can be edited from the material properties window by uploading, downloading, or deleting it.
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Roughness/Metalness/AO Texture
Latest Update: 2022-08-13
Using RGB information from the image, three different textures can be stored. The red channel represents ambient oclusion, the green channel represents roughness, and the blue channel represents metalness
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Normal/Bump maps
Latest Update: 2022-08-16
Normal maps affects the direction of light bouncing off a surface considering the vertex normal coordinates stored in the this texture. The RGB pixels data represent the XYZ coordinates of the vector normals. Bump maps are aproximating the normal vectors of the geometry, based on a height map.
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Engraving material
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
Engraving 3D objects is an option available for Premium and Business accounts. A material can be set as an engraving material, which means that a text or a logo can be applied to the geometry on which it is applied For an engraving material, the textures are taken from the engraving module See more details in the Engraving section
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Material Color
Latest Update: 2022-08-16
The color of the material can be selected using a color picker or by typing the hexadecimal color value. The material's color is combined with the color texture to get the final albedo or diffuse color.
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Specular Color
Latest Update: 2022-08-16
For more flexibility it was implemented the option of setting the specular color, witch represents the reflected light color for each material. Specular color of each material can be selected using a color picker or by typing the hexadecimal color value.
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Latest Update: 2022-08-16
Materials metalness is a characteristic of PBR workflow, which means that there is the option of selecting how metallic a surface is. Metallic materials have a different reflective property then non-metallic ones, they look more reflective with no diffuse property.
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Bump Intensity
Latest Update: 2022-08-23
This value represents how much the geometry normals are affected by the normal map. The slider for this is between -1 and 1, but the value can go beyond these by using the input field next to it.
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Ambient Back Light
Latest Update: 2022-08-30
This value is added as the back light for each material. This helps the geometry to fit into the surrounding environment. The value can be set between 0 and 1, 0 meaning there is no back light and 1 the back light is the same as the front light.
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Latest Update: 2022-08-31
By increasing this value, the material will look like glass by makeing the main color transparent, and keeping the highlight reflections visible.
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Latest Update: 2022-09-01
This value is for transparent materials and determines the visibility of the geometry edges. This effect creates the illusion of thickness of transparent materials.
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Latest Update: 2022-09-02
This value is adding a layer of shine and polish. This works well with non-metal materials. The specular color and intensity are also important to be set correctly for the surface to look right.
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Latest Update: 2022-09-02
This value causes the light to bounce off the edges of the object, thus making the object look like a textile material. In some cases, this effect creates the illusion that the material is translucent.
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Latest Update: 2022-09-02
There are three options that can be selected to determine which side of the geometry to be rendered. When creating a new material, the initial value will render the front faces.
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