
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Editing Geometries

Edit Meshes Window
Latest Update: 2022-08-10
Edit Geometries window can be accessed from Edit Meshes option in the top menu, or by double-clicking on a selected geometry in the viewport. Both methods will open the mesh editing window.
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Geometry Name
Latest Update: 2022-07-18
The name must be plain text without special characters. It can be modified and will not affect the way the elements in the scene relate to this geometry. It is recommended that the name of the geometry not be too long to be easily spotted in the list of geometries.
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Geometry Transformations
Latest Update: 2022-08-11
Geometry transformations are represented by three vectors in XYZ coordinate system, corresponding to position, rotation, and scale. Transformations can be set for the selected geometry or inherited from the parent geometry
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Geometry Visibility
Latest Update: 2022-08-11
Geometries can be visible or not by accessing the visibility checkbox from geometry properties panel. The visibility of the geometry will also be inherited by the subordinate geometries, thus being rendered or not an entire structure.
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Geometry Animation
Latest Update: 2022-08-11
You can set keyframes for position, rotation, scale and visibility of each geometry. A keyframe does record all transformation values at once. Geometry keyframes can be added, edited or deleted. These keyframes appear in the player's timeline.
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Edit Geometry 3D Data
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
Geometry 3D datas are represented in obj file format and can be edited from the geometry properties window. Here you can upload new obj file, update, download, or delete the file. This field does not accept multiple files, so each geometry accepts only one obj file.
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Clone obj file data.
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
Geometries can import 3D data from other geometry. More geometries can use the same obj file. This is good for optimizing the 3D model and also make assemblies with diferent materials for the same geometry.
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Geometry Shadow Setings
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
Shadows can be configured for each geometry separately. The geometry may or may not emit the shadow and may or may not receive the shadow. You can setup how spread the shadow is on a selected geometry and the shadow position offset for the selected geometry
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Capture Screen Space Reflections
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
Each geometry may or may not capture Screen Space Reflections. This option only takes effect if the scene is set to produce Screen space reflections from the Post Processing section. Accessing this option may impact performance, as geometries that do not capture SSR are not processed for this effect.
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Materials List
Latest Update: 2022-08-12
In the geometry properties window there is a list with all materials from the current scene. Here you can add new materials (with default properties), filter in the existing materials, apply a material to selected geometry or delete materials. Each material in the list have a preview, a name, and options.
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3D Modeling web application

Create and edit geometries
You can import edit and export .obj files.
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