
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Creating and editing assemblies

Latest Update: 2022-09-05

With the assemblies module, you can associate geometries to a specific assembly that can be selected for renderin.

Assemblies can be created and edited from the assemblies panel. The name and order of each assembly can be edited.

Geometries can be associated to each assembly, by selecting one geometry or group of geometries and then selecting the checkbox that appears above the assembly preview image from the bottom assemblies list

Each assembly is identified by a name and a preview image at the bottom of the screen. Preview images are automatically generated when scene is loaded.

By hovering over the assemblies list, the associated geometries will be visible for preview, and by clicking, the assembly will remain selected and the associate geometries will remain visible.

By deleting an assembly, all geometries that were associated will become visible and it is possible to overlap with other already visible geometries

When loading the scene, the first assembly in the list will be selected and the associated geometries will be rendered.

* Create end edit assemblies

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