
AIQ3Dstudio Documentation

Color Texture

Latest Update: 2022-08-12

The color texture is an image that can be edited from the material properties window by uploading, downloading, or deleting it.

Also, the texture can be repeated in geometry's UV space from two input fields corresponding to U and V values.

The color texture is combined with the material color and represents the material albedo or diffuse color.

The images accepted as color texture must be in jpg, png24, png8 or gif format and must be square with a size multiple of 2 (512x512px, 1024x1024px ...). The maximum size of a texture is 4096x4096px.

The png24, png8 or gif formats also accept the alpha channel to make certain areas of the material transparent.

The images must be as optimized as possible for easy loading of the 3D scene.

 A color texture can be uploaded by clicking on texture preview zone or by dragging and dropping a texture into this area.

* Upload a Color Texture

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